This week's show features stories from France, NHK Japan, and Cuba. (29:00)
From FRANCE- The murder of a French teenager by a policeman led to 5 nights of protests and riots across the country- 3 press reviews on the shooting, the government reaction to the protests, and the proposed blocking of social media. Then press reviews on the Israeli army attack on Jenin, the new highest ever global temperature, and UK PM Sunak withdrawing funds pledged to help developing nations suffering from climate change. Then a report on the IAEA stating that the release of radioactive waste water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean is safe.
From JAPAN- The IAEA agreed to the waste dumping from Fukushima, while South Korea, China, and the Pacific Islands question the accuracy of the data upon which the decision was based. The Japanese government is planning to build next generation nuclear power plants to replace the ones scheduled to be scrapped.
From CUBA- President Arce of Bolivia urged other nations in the Southern Common Market, or Mercocur, to reduce dependence on the US dollar and to strengthen each others currencies in trade. British police have new and expanded powers, mainly targeting activists who stop road traffic in protest with mandatory prison terms. A GoFundMe collection for the French policeman who murdered the 17 year old for a traffic infraction raised over a million dollars before being temporarily suspended.
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¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
"One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice."
--Julian Assange
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Dan Roberts