This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK Japan, France 24, and Radio Havana Cuba. (29:00)
From GERMANY- A significant number of Israeli politicians and civilians are making preparations for new settlements in Gaza. Middle East analyst and editor Daniel Gerlach talks about the settlement movement in Israel which has moved from an extremist notion to become popular. He explains that international laws against new settlements remain. The BRICS summit is underway in Russia this year and now includes Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Dozens of other countries are considering joining. The goal is to promote peace, security, development, and cooperation in a multipolar world. An interview with Theresa Fallon, Director of the Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies in Brussels. She assesses the power of the organization as a counterweight to Western influence, and how they are working to dethrone the power of US sanctions as a domineering force in global policy.
From JAPAN- By Thursday morning BRICS leaders had adopted a joint communique calling for the elimination of unilateral economic sanctions, and 30 other countries have expressed interest in strengthening ties with the bloc. On the sidelines of the summit, China and India vowed to improve relations through dialogue.
From FRANCE- Some press reviews about COP 16, the biodiversity conference that has begun in Colombia. And a press review about how both US Presidential candidates promoting fracking may keep people from voting in Pennsylvania.
From CUBA- In Australia an indigenous senator shouted that King Charles was not his king and the Prime Minister told him Australia should become an independent republic. In the US protests against US support of the Israeli wars on its neighbors.
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¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
“The flaws of our leaders perfectly mirror the emotional underdevelopment of the society that elevates them to power.”
-Gabor Mate
Dan Roberts
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