This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, France 24, and Cuba. (29:00)
From GERMANY- The first African Climate Summit was held in Kenya, with nations calling on wealthy nations to assist them in developing a green economy. They also discussed adapting to the changing climate, conserving natural resources, and getting beyond endless debt. The African continent is experiencing the most extreme climate change while only contributing 3% to the man made sources of global warming. Part of the final declaration calls for a global carbon tax regime, and to reform the international financial institutions. Activists called carbon credits a get out of jail free card for the worlds biggest polluters. The Mexican Supreme Court ruled that abortion is not a crime, requiring all federal health care services to offer abortions to anyone requesting one.
From FRANCE- First a press review on the probability that the next president of Mexico will be a woman, then a headline that Europe is experiencing its hottest summer in 120,000 years. As Russian natural gas stopped flowing into most of Europe, the US rapidly began developing routes of LNG or propane tankers to fill the void. There are 7 LNG terminals in the US with 15 more being developed. 79% of American LNG comes from fracking, a technique banned in several European countries.
From CUBA- Chile will host a 50th anniversary of the US backed coup that took place September 11th, 1973- most Latin American and many global leaders will attend. Demonstrators took to the streets of Guatemala to prevent a coup led by the attorney general and several judges against Bernardo Arevalo, the president-elect of the country. Colombian President Gustavo Petro says the right wing opposition and wealthy Spanish businessmen are planning to overthrow him. Tens of thousands protestors converged outside a French military base in Niger, demanding that the soldiers leave the country. Remnants of cluster bombs killed 37 civilians in Yemen last month, despite a truce being in effect since April.
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¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
--Howard Thurman
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Dan Roberts