Trigger Warning: If you have been sexually assaulted, this guide may contain information that is painful or difficult to read.
In this episode, Tiffany and I will be discussing sexual assault by sharing our own experiences and will express the importance of its awareness. Unfortunately, sexual assault is common and is the only violent crime in Canada not on a decline. Lets talk about it.
What is considered sexual assault?
Types of sexual assault include any unwanted sexual activity:
- attempted rape
- fondling
- unwanted sexual contact or touching
- forcing victim to perform sexual acts (i.e. oral penetration or other forms of sex)
- rape: unlawful sexual intercourse or penetration of the victim’s body by a body part or object
Some important things to remember about consent include:
- a person can change their mind about consenting to sexual acts at any time
- consenting to one sexual act does not mean they consent to all or further acts
- consent to past sexual acts or current sexual acts does not guarantee future consent
- consent is about communication, whether with words or verbal cues or physical signs
- minors are particularly vulnerable and the minimum age of consent in many states is 16
- those with developmental or intellectual disabilities may also not have the ability to give content to sexual activity
What to do if you were sexually assaulted:
1. Seek Safety And Support
2. Consider Seeking Medical Care
3. Find Ways To Address And Process The Incident
4. Decide Whether To File A Sexual Assault Claim
Sexual Assault Centres, Crisis Lines, and Support Services
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