The MFL Ramble is a podcast series brought to you by hosts David (SRMonkey), Hoodwink, Hatton & Smoggypedro .
On this weeks episode we welcomed Jimbo to the show. He's half of the @WenDirkCast and a long time MFL player.
He kindly answered the pressing questions from the community including giving us a little history on the game.
** To sign up and play MFL, please click here. **
Feel free to contact us on Twitter @soraremonkey,
@Hoodwink1983 , @Smoggypedro & @C_Hatton90
The shows music has been kindly supplied by Stish who you can follow on Twitter @Plastician and on the excellent 'End Product' podcast.
The artwork and new logo was kindly supplied by @lfcfanagram