Hope for the Animals

The Vegan Drag Queen, Honey LaBronx

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Happy PRIDE! Joining us on this special Pride episode is Honey LaBronx, The Vegan Drag Queen. Honey stared in her own YouTube vegan cooking series and traveled the world with her one-woman drag show, raising funds for local LGBTQ and animal organizations along the way. She is committed to bringing discussions about animal rights, racism, and social justice to new audiences. In 2011, she was one of eight activists arrested for blocking New York City traffic while demonstrating for marriage equality alongside her drag mother, Bob The Drag Queen (winner of Season 8 of RuPaul’s Drag Race). Out of drag, Ben Strothmann is an actor, singer, playwright, and theatrical photographer, originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Hope and Honey cover an assortment of fascinating topics-- how her sobriety journey led her to veganism, why she chose her drag name, how fat is beautiful, and embracing radical compassion. They also talk about the challenges within the gay and drag community with emboldened conservatives supporting legislation, violence, and oppression against the LGBT community. Hope and Honey laugh, lament, theorize, and bring a little joy to us all.



YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HoneyLaBronx

Video: Rachel Wiley, The Fat Joke

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Hope for the Animals Podcast

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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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