Your desires are a gateway to your authentic self.
Do you ever stop yourself from wanting things because you fear being disappointed?
Do you feel guilty or needy or silly for wanting certain things?
Are you easily discouraged from what you really desire?
Do you find yourself doubting that you can really have the dreams that call to you?
If so, this episode is for you.
We have an incredibly powerful astrological event happening tomorrow, April 30th — a partial solar eclipse in Taurus.
Eclipses always shake things up, bringing rapid change and acceleration of timelines. Things in our lives might fall away, get rearranged, or appear seemingly out of nowhere. It’s intense AF, but wonderfully powerful and necessary.
This eclipse is setting a new two-year cycle in motion, and it is a powerful time to align with your intentions and your truest desires for your life.
I invite you to listen to this short episode and see what comes up for you.
Your desires are magnetic, and they have been given to you for a very important reason.
Will you give yourself permission to follow them?