This is an extremely intense message. If you feel it is too much, please pause. Know that I knew I had to tell these truths, though I am concerned it is too soon to reveal them to you.
It is also completely ok for any one of you to only hear part of it or only listen when you feel fully ready for it.
I am patient (so I SAY) and I can wait however long it takes. At least I can promise I will do my best. This is everything that was broiling within me and needed to get out to you, but I could only say it in weird side shows and musical comedy pieces (and too many ridiculous texts about nothing useful) until now.
Now, here it is. My love for you.
I’m ill at having made this, yet I feel super strongly that the message, based in profound love, had to be shared.
Please know I love each one of you and I want only for you to get to live your most fulfilling lives.
Perhaps it’s more painful for me to have created this than it is for you to hear it. I don’t know…
It legit feels like giving birth. So perhaps I’ve “simply” been pregnant with this MESSAGE… and all my fears about a human baby were for naught! (That would make things easier!)
Often the birth of something artistic feels like a real birth to me (as much as I can tell, being childless).
Please take my love, as best as you can, if you so choose, and know that I want to help you to live fully, to bask in the warmth of the sun, and to be expansive and whole.
I long to gift you an actual fulfilling life! One with joy and brilliance and fun and play!
It can all come at a painful cost, but if and when you make it through, you will be healed and the world will be pure magic … all possibilities will be open for you.
Still you will feel pain. Still you will be afraid. But you will be different, more capable. Things will be much easier for you. You will throw up less often!
I love you forever and ever. You may not want me, but I want and love you. I simply do. I simply love you with all of my heart and soul.
Though I hate to say his, I forgive you. For anything you have done, are doing, or will do in the future that hurts me. Forgiveness, love, bravery, and truth are everything. And we must never forget this.
This is my heart, broken for you. So that you may heal and truly live.
Go now in peace to love and serve others. Xoxo, or just be a Totes Pod fan!! Yay! And HAVE FUN!!!