In this thought-provoking episode of¬†Premier Unbelievable, host¬†Vince Vitale¬†is joined by two brilliant minds to unpack the¬†ontological argument¬†for the existence of God: ‚ú®¬†Dr. Gavin Ortlund¬†‚Äď President of¬†Truth Unites, theologian, author, and YouTuber and ūüéstJoe Schmid¬†‚Äď Philosophy PhD student at Princeton, metaphysics expert, creator of¬†Majesty of Reason and Alex O'Connor's favourite young agnostic.
In this thought-provoking episode, we explore:
ūüĒĻ¬†Anselm's famous ontological argument¬†and its philosophical legacy
ūüĒĻ¬†A priori reasoning¬†and what it means for theology and metaphysics
ūüĒĻ¬†Modal arguments¬†and the concepts of necessary vs. contingent existence
ūüĒĻ Critiques, including¬†Kant‚Äôs objections¬†and¬†parody arguments
This dynamic conversation unpacks the complexities of¬†God‚Äôs existence, philosophical rationality, and the¬†nature of being¬†itself. Whether you're a philosopher, theologian, or curious skeptic, this episode will challenge your perspective and expand your understanding. ūüĆĆūüďö
Meet the Guests:
1ÔłŹ‚É£¬†Joe Schmid
Joe is a Philosophy PhD student at Princeton University, specializing in metaphysics and philosophy of religion. He has co-authored the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on ontological arguments and written two books: Existential Inertia and Classical Theistic Proofs and The Majesty of Reason. On his YouTube channel, Majesty of Reason, Joe creates lectures and hosts philosophical discussions.
ūüďö¬†Follow Joe Schmid:
ūüĆź Website:¬†
‚Ė∂ÔłŹ YouTube:¬†Majesty¬†of¬†Reason
ūüź¶ Twitter/X:¬†@majestyofreason
2ÔłŹ‚É£¬†Dr. Gavin Ortlund
Gavin is the President of Truth Unites, a theologian, and author of nine books, including Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t and What It Means to Be Protestant. He holds a PhD in historical theology from Fuller Seminary and is a fellow of several esteemed organizations, including the Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. Gavin also shares content on theology, apologetics, and church history through his YouTube channel, Truth Unites.
ūüďö¬†Follow Dr. Gavin Ortlund:
ūüĆź Website:¬†
‚Ė∂ÔłŹ YouTube:¬†Truth¬†Unites
ūüďł Instagram:¬†truth.unites
ūüĎć Facebook:¬†Truth¬†Unites¬†Page
ūüź¶ Twitter/X:¬†@gavinortlund
ūüĎȬ†What do you think? Can the ontological argument prove God‚Äôs existence, or is it just a fascinating mental exercise?¬†Let us know in the comments below!
ūüé߬†Listen now on your favourite podcast platform¬†or watch the full video for more deep philosophical insights!
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