Hi there, welcome to the Micro Influencer podcast / video series now every Friday this is going to be
on video as well.
Hopefully this is going to be helpful for some people. This is new for me.
I've got a new set up very excited.
So today I want to get right to the point.
I want to talk about why the worst advice you're ever going to get is to create quality content.
That sounds counterintuitive. I get that hear me out before you get out your pitchforks
and try to burn down the house.
Let me explain what I'm talking about.
So. If you think about it,
you hire a consultant you want to start growing on social media Instagram Twitter LinkedIn
wherever it is you hire a consultant.
Okay, they can give you technical tricks.
They can tell you what works
and what doesn't how to please the algorithm they can give you practical things that you can
Implement that will make your content perform better most likely
but usually the number one piece of advice are going to have for you is to create quality content.
They're always going to say that it's not wrong.
I'm not saying that this advice is incorrect advice I'm saying it's bad advice.
And the reason for that is just think about how absurdly obvious.
That is everybody knows that you shouldn't be creating terrible content.
Everybody knows that if you want to succeed at blogging with your websites
copy with video with podcasting with social media,
whatever your medium is even graphic. Design,
that's a way of communicating as well. Anyway,
you're trying to communicate everybody knows that you're not supposed to be terrible at it.
If you want to attract attention and grow a following.
It's blatantly obvious anything that is that obvious is not advice.
And if you have ever paid anybody to hear those words,
you should try to get your money back because it's such bad advice.
Of course, we should be creating quality content,
but Never give that out as advice
because it's not helping anybody advice by definition is trying to teach somebody
something they didn't already know that they can actually Implement.
So I want to try to give you some things you can actually Implement
instead of telling you create good stuff,
which is true. I'm going to tell you what you can do to prepare yourself.
So that what you create is inherently going to be good.
It doesn't take a mastermind to create good cause good content online.
It just doesn't all it takes is your own unique personality and try to be helpful.
Try to add some kind of value.
Now what I want to say add value that's another one of those things like weld,
of course, I want to be valuable to somebody I'll let me explain a little bit of what that means.
It doesn't just mean that you are breaking news
and that you're telling people something that they've never thought of before.
It's really rare that you're ever going to communicate with
thought that somebody else hasn't already.
Not that you're stealing that idea. It's just that there are so many people on this planet.
So many people that have already existed that have had really good ideas.
You're not the first person that's ever thought of your idea.
I guarantee it. So with that said,
how can you actually create good content?
If all the good ideas are quote unquote taken.
Well, it's not just about coming up with brand new ideas.
It's almost impossible. You can add value by being funny.
You can add value by being a little bit obnoxious of people are into that you
could add value by expanding on ideas that already exist
or yeah,
you can try to come up with new ideas and expand on those as well.
Definitely don't I'm not recommending against that it's just you're always going
to have some kind of idea that's similar out there already.
So instead try to find ways you can add your own personal LD to it.
That's the best way to go about it.
So that's number one for prepping yourself to create good stuff online.
Number two. You need to be...