Alicia Quan chats with a few members of the team who worked on Quizlet’s Q-Chat, the world’s first AI tutor built with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It is modeled on research demonstrating that the most effective form of learning is one-on-one tutoring.
Eli Kariv, Sr. Product Manager,
Pranavi Javangula, Product Designer,
Ling Cheng, Director of Machine Learning
What problem is Q-Chat solving for? What user outcomes were you working towards?
A common question being asked is whether ChatGPT is a threat to education. What is your take on the topic?
What were some of the concerns you worked through as a team?
What feedback have you received since the release from educators and students? What have you observed?
It’s March, 2023. Will we still be talking about ChatGPT next year? Thoughts on the anticipated release of GPT-4?
Advice for product designers, UX professionals, and product teams currently exploring and building with GPT and other generative large language AI models?
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Q-Chat in Beta Music by Sleep Still: