Come along as Ted Barrow, Adam Burns, Ryan Lay, and Ted Schmitz duck and dodge the fuzzy reality of November 5, 2024, daring to record on the dark and miserable night of our most recent presidential election. The result is a triptych of topics, starting with the institutionalizing of skateboarding at LOVE Malmö and Leo Valls’s Connect Festival, in Bordeaux. Not to be daft, but who are these conferences for, really? Then it’s on to plaza culture, which, is there still plaza culture? Are people out there still top-doggin’ and one-uppin? Is Borough Hall a plaza? Are DIYs actually our new plazas? We got those big questions that you’ve come to expect. As the ender, the fellas take on that bane of contemporary skateboarding, the ride-on grind.
It’s fun, folks. It is fun and healthy to get together with friends and talk through the most inane nuances you can think of. Let’s do more of it, whoever ends up winning this election.
Oh! And! The next Vent City Trick Challenge™ is a tasteful classic, the nollie backside lipslide shuv out. Wow, yeah, say that five times. Nollie back lip shuv. Nolli back lip shuv. Nollie back lip…Sorry. Film one! Tag us!
Meanwhile, Thank you to our listeners, especially the following four folks who make the show happen:
Intro music by Roar
Credits music by Dylan Bryne
Logo and graphic design by Michael Worful
Mixed and edited by Adam Burns