Many travelers brag that they are "adventurous" because they bag a famous peak, visit Vietnam, or eat escargot. Although I celebrate anyone who pushes their travel limits, let's calibrate our definition of adventurous.
My definition of an adventurous traveler is Francois Xavier Paradis-Garneau.
He's a 23-year-old intrepid Canadian who got the BBC's attention when he became the first Western tourist to do the ring road around Afghanistan after the Taliban took over.
In 2022, he upped the ante with an even more ambitious trip: a 3-month traverse of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from Angola to Uganda.
I've driven across half of the DRC (from Uganda to Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic). Therefore, I have an idea of what he had to go through.
Watch this episode on YouTube!
This is part 1 of a 4-part series.
In this episode, learn why Garneau did his trek and how he accidentally traversed through an area while a genocide was in progress.
See photos and read his epic report on this insane trip.
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