Dumbing Down the Future - Mike Judge's Idiocracy
This is an especially fun one! This week Mr. Chavez & I take a trip into a very funny, very frightening, and very likely future. In 2006 20th Century Fox released Mike Judge's Idiocracy in a manner that almost guaranteed that no one would ever see it.
. . . but the film would survive. Judge's bleak and pessiimistic vision of the future - the year 2505 - would find a cult audience that would embrace its hilarious prediction of a Professional Wrestler President, warehouse stores as a kind of Mecca, Fast-Food Restaurants as cheap, disgusting food and sex providers, and a population of such minimal intelligence that an "Average Joe" cryogenically frozen and awoken in the future would find himself the "Smartest Man on Earth". Judge spares no targets and we are grateful for the ride Idiocracy takes its viewers on. There's a whole lot to unpack here. Great Satire is usually ahead of its time and that is surely the case with this film. Judge would later joke, "I'm no prophet, I was off by 490 years." Sadly, he was right. Take a listen and let us know if you agree. As always, we can be reached at [email protected]. Many Thanks.
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