Round the Twist is an iconic Australian children’s television series that aired from 1989 to 2001, famous for its quirky humor, supernatural themes, and often bizarre storylines. Created by author Paul Jennings and based on his short stories, the show follows the Twist family—siblings Pete, Linda, and Bronson, and their dad, Tony—as they encounter surreal adventures in a haunted lighthouse on the fictional Australian coast.
The show is remembered for its episodes that mixed absurdity with heartfelt moments, tackling issues like adolescence, relationships, and identity in unique and humorous ways. With catchphrases like "Have you ever… ever felt like this?" and its unforgettable theme song, Round the Twist quickly gained a cult following. It was celebrated not only in Australia but also found an audience internationally, thanks to its relatable characters and inventive storytelling.
Join Holly and Matthew as they look in on this quirky series for our contribution to the Halloween spirit, and nostalgia the hell out of some episodes. Without my pants.
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