Hello My Beautiful Friend!
Celebrating with some newness on the podcast... Bei Fit Life is now Well + Worthy Podcast!
Such a full body yes and it feels so good! What better way to feel well and worthy with today's episode Getting to the root cause and feeling better in your body with guest Katie Potratz!
When we take a step and view our minds in a new perspective be ready to be mind blown.
Our thoughts start in our mind and it’s through those emotions we feel them pulsate through the body and from there we can either choose to hold onto them or let go.
It’s all about the perspective we give ourselves and wether or not we choose to give our emotions control.
When we give our emotions control that’s when anxiety and or pain start take over and create dis-ease within our bodyies.
So honored to have a conversation with @katieprotatz hypnotherapist on todays episode of the Well + Worthy Podcast on getting to the root cause and feel good in your body.
Katie is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, working with women to help them heal mentally, emotionally and physically with the power of their mind. Katie is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a specialty in Medical Hypnotherapy for Chronic Disease. Through deep subconscious reprogramming, she guides her clients on a journey of healing, ranging from anxiety and trauma to low self-worth, and even chronic pain and illness.
Come pull a seat and listen as we chat about how you can finally start to feel well + worthy in your mind, body, and soul.
Connect With Katie and her work at www.katiepotratz.com and IG @KatiePotratz
Connect with me to step into your well + worthy Self at www.wellandworthyeveryday.com and on IG @wellandworthyeverday