Wave after wave and month end after month end health care workers are called upon to be kind, empathetic and compassionate to their patients. We often give all that we can emotionally and physically to our patients while taking little to no time to care for ourselves.
In this exciting new episode we explore care giver fatigue and that horrible feeling you get when you suddenly realise that you are so emotionally drained you are starting to feel numb to your patients' pain.
We also explore self-care which has become a buzz word and almost an expectation and chore . We therefore, explore what self-care really is and how you can find it for yourself in order to combat compassion fatigue.
Don't forget to check out "Burnout-The secret to unlocking the stress cycle"by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
Don't forget to like and share the podcast and to follow us on Instagram @Welldocsoc
Music by :Believe by Roa https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/roa-believe
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qldyHxWPFUY