Encounter Culture

Who Was Miguel Trujillo? In the Words of His Granddaughter

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How do you take the measure of a man, especially one as reticent about his history-making accomplishment as Miguel Trujillo? If you’ve never heard of Miguel or Trujillo v. Garley, the landmark 1948 case that provided Native Americans residing on tribal lands in New Mexico the right to vote, settle in for this intimate portrait of a true American hero.

This is the second episode in Encounter Culture’s collaboration with the New Mexico History Museum, exploring the fascinating story of Native American suffrage before and after Trujillo v. Garley.

If you haven’t already, we recommend you check out episode one, as it forms the foundation of the entire season. Then join host Charlotte Jusinski and series co-host Stephanie Padilla (Isleta, Laguna, Cochiti) here as they piece together the extraordinary life of Miguel Trujillo, an unsung champion of the voting rights movement who’s perhaps better known as a beloved husband, father, and grandfather––with Karen Waconda, Native healer, community health educator, and granddaughter of Miguel Trujillo.

Cover Photo: Miguel and Ruchanda Trujillo, ca. 1980. Photograph courtesy Dr. Michael Trujillo.


Visit http://newmexicoculture.org for info about our museums, historic sites, virtual tours, and more. 

To celebrate this season’s collaboration with the New Mexico History Museum, we’d like to thank you for being a part of our listening community at Encounter Culture. 

Enter to win a package of four CulturePasses and a one-year subscription to El Palacio magazine all valued at $145 by visiting https://podcast.nmculture.org/giveaway

Whether you’re a local resident, or you’re visiting us on your travels, CulturePass is your ticket to each of our 15 museums and historic sites.

Enter by August 31, 2023. You must be 18 years or older to apply, and there is no purchase necessary. This opportunity is made possible by the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs and the Museum of New Mexico Foundation. ***

Encounter Culture, a production of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, is produced and edited by Andrea Klunder at The Creative Impostor Studios.

Hosted by Stephanie Padilla (Isleta, Laguna, Cochiti) & Charlotte Jusinski, Editor at El Palacio Magazine

Technical Director & Production Audio: Edwin R. Ruiz

Recording Engineer: Kabby at Kabby Sound Studios in Santa Fe

Executive Producer: Daniel Zillmann

Consulting Producer & Editor: Monica Braine (Assiniboine/Lakota) 

Associate Producer & Editor: Alex Riegler

Show Notes: Lisa Widder

Social Media Design: Caitlin Sunderland

Theme Music: D’Santi Nava

Instagram: @newmexicanculture

For more, visit podcast.nmculture.org.

Special thank you to Clark Tenakhongva, along with Gary Stroutsos and Matthew Nelson, for the incredible Hopi music featured throughout all 6 episodes of this season. Their new album Hon Muru is set to release in August 2023 and will be available for purchase along with their other recordings on Bandcamp and at ongtupqa.com.

This season was made possible due to the generosity of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the family of Miguel and Ruchanda Trujillo.

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