Welcome Lovelies! Another episode with the beautiful Abbie! Abbie and I discuss coping mechanisms in Domestic Violence. We share our own experiences and some of our own coping strategies. Ours may not work for you, but they worked for us. Maybe this can be a takeaway for you. We truly hope so because we love you all.
Abbie talks about her Ketamine Therapy and how much it has changed her life, as well as her daughters. There is a lot of negative as well as positive talks about Ketamine Therapy for PTSD, but for Abbie, it worked wonders! Whatever you choose, find the one that works for you.
We talk about how important it is to keep calm, do what you have to do to survive. Writing down your thoughts, emotions and all your feelings can be very helpful in healing.
Although most women recognized that they were having difficulties in their relationship, the majority did not realize that they were experiencing domestic violence or abuse. Early in the relationship, women used a variety of strategies to justify or deal with their partner’s behavior, such as ‘normalizing’, ‘acceptance’, ‘denial’, keeping the peace’ or ‘blaming themselves’.
When women tried to stand up for themselves or challenge their abusive partner, this usually led to further abuse, so, to play safe, women tended to take on a more submissive role
Keeping a diary
On the recommendation of the police or a solicitor, several women began to monitor and record their partner’s behavior, by keeping a secret diary.
Secretly getting help
Women have to be very careful getting help, especially if they were planning to leave, as they knew their partner’s abusive behavior would get worse if he found out.
Be safe! There are a lot of resources out there if you need to reach out. The Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233.
No Visible Bruises by Rachel Louise Snyder - Audiobook - Audible.com