Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin on X), senior correspondent for the National Catholic Register reports on the recent, closed door meeting between Vatican Cardinals and Italian Freemasons, and Cardinal Christoph Schonborn warns the Church in Germany about possible schism as a result of their "synodal way".
Fr. Thomas Petri, president of the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC (@PetriOP on X) & Sr. Deirdre Byrne, Superior of the Little Workers of the Sacred Heart share their thoughts and observations on the sacrilegous funeral service for a trans-rights activist held recently at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.
Fr. Thomas Berg (@frtberg on X), moral theologian and visiting scholar at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at Notre Dame joins us with analysis of the testimony this week of one of the victims of disgraced Jesuit priest and artist Marko Rupnik.
Most Rev. Liam Cary, Bishop of the Diocese of Baker, OR shares his pastoral letter on the Vatican's recent directive on blessings (Fiducia Supplicans).