OoCS got all the way to Heroic Neltharion thus far! The following week we went without the new PUG tank on our and did Normal on some alts and did Heroic with our local hometown hero, Jeff! The guildies are still on the fence on the PUG tank’s raiding methods, but we’ll see how it ends up this week.
Nick was able to stop in and gave into the depths of hell and got sucked into Diablo 4. At least he’ll be back in the last 10 days or so of WoW to get all the tendies as there are mounts to be had!
Eric started to “lightly” play on his Blood Death Knight again by doing the Heroic Dungeon weekly. He tried the Evoker for Normal raid but felt too squishy ( being 404 Ilevel ) and got frustrated and ended up swapping back to his Warlock to melt the rest of the raid. Eric took the opportunity to level his Fury Warrior via TWing with the bonus XP and had way too much fun on him. After reading up on the Warlock customizations for Patch 10.1.5, he finds it to be kinda lame and disappointing.
Kura’s two weeks with WoW was rough as he was in the 30% of people who ended up having issues with the Blizzard Launcher not being able to locate any of his files and spent his time reinstalling everything Blizzard that he played. He tried to help a guildie with M+ and it was a fiasco because all the settings and add-ons were reset and spent a portion of his time fixing everything for that and even during raid. At least he’ll be prepared for next time.
Rei’s M+ trek continues and has found a couple of people who are wanting to do higher keys which is hopefully a good experience in the long run! It’s also been a long time since someone has asked about guild ranking, which hasn’t ever really been a thing with OoCS other than having silly rank names. It was still something she had to carefully word without upsetting anyone. As Eric wanted to run some TWing to level, Rei was faced with having only 3 alts left to get to 70 and he suggested for her to heal on the Evoker. It was quite the ride and probably was button mashing more than anything else since most of the spells weren’t quite similar with the other healers she plays.
In the news, there are few quests in the upcoming Fractures in Time update that might be up for removal due to their controversial nature that take players through various Time Rifts. Chromie also will be getting some adjustment and / or removal of quests. There will be a Quantum Courser mount that drops from defeating the last boss of Dawn of the Infinite and when consumed, it can change into any redeemable mount from WoW’s extensive history.
One hundred episodes ago, OoCS full clears Normal Eternal Palace and goes through Heroic and ends up at Za’qul with a returning PUG, Bael! He then invited Rei to go to his raid but it ends up a bit sour as his Raid Leader randomly removed her and Bael apologized for his RL’s behavior. WoW Classic was rolled out and Nick found out that Rei, Eric, and Harv don’t watch streamers like Asmongold.
Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk!. Our next live show is scheduled for 07.03.23 at 10:30 pm EST at twitch.tv/mashthosebuttons. For any scheduling updates, please follow us on twitter @wowtalkmtb.
Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to [email protected].
Cory Treadway
Rei Liou
Nick Zielenkievicz
Eric Knutson
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