Prepare for such an inspiring video with Gabby! Thank you for joining me for this chat I had a great time chatting!
Gabby Mottershead:
The Confidence After Cancer Coach, helping people who have completed cancer treatment to gain clarity and confidence so that they can engage fully in a life they’re excited about.
Do you want to know one of the biggest secrets that cancer survivors have? It’s that life after cancer treatment ends can sometimes be even more tough than the disease itself. No one understands that like another cancer survivor.
Gabby has been there – when the Get Well cards come down and you are alone with your fears, it can be scary, overwhelming– and lonely. Gabby knew she had to change her life and develop healthy habits to go from cancer survivor to Thriver. But working out what to do was confusing and exhausting.
Now a 15 year Inflammatory Breast Cancer survivor, she is an expert in helping women go from fearful, anxious and shattered, into living a life filled with health, vitality and joy. Gabby is the author of ‘7 Steps to Confidence After Cancer’ book, a podcast host, her popular Confidence After Cancer show, shares tips, research together with real life stories from survivors who have used their cancer journey to start a new and brighter chapter in their lives.
Gabby was inspired to start this support and coaching non profit based on her own experience, she was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer, rare and aggressive in 2008 aged 44. Following chemotherapy, surgeries, and radiotherapy, she suffered with depression and lack of confidence .She realised that there is lots of support for cancer patients during their treatment, but when that ends you are very much alone. She has written a short book, Confidence After Cancer in which she says ‘The good news is that confidence can be learnt if you are willing to make some changes.
She also has an online course, Confidence After Cancer which provides an holistic approach to healing mind, body and soul. Gabby is an experienced business and life coach. She is also a practitioner of NLP, a master Reiki healer, and she is passionate about Nutritional Healing.
Her mission is to inspire healthy minds and healthy bodies. Gabby lives in Manchester, England with her husband Paul, her sons and grandchildren live nearby. She enjoys live music and holidays in the sun.
To contact Gabby:
Email [email protected]
Confidence After Cancer website ConfidenceAfterCancer website
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