We are approaching the end of the Tower of Nero… so naturally, it’s time for a full out battle. Apollo beats up some IT guys. All of New York can be destroyed with a single button. Nero gives another evil villain monologue, but this time it’s on Zoom. We wish this was written a few years later because Nero definitely would have had a funny background. Apollo confronts Nero in the throne room. Meg fights back, Nero can’t find his remote, and Nico once again comes to save the day. Also, Nero can’t remember names, even when his life depends on it. We discuss Nero as a villain and how he’s scarier and not as fun to read as Kronos or Gaea, because he’s so real. We also give ourselves Troglodyte names. Introducing: meep-Erin and AHHHHHH-Manasa. ————————————————————— SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/camphalfpod?fan_landing=true SEND US AN AUDIO MESSAGE: https://www.speakpipe.com/Camphalfpod JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gzHYsUbdgr