The West is being invaded. In the U.S it is being invaded by immigrants from Central and South America. While in Europe, they are being invaded by the African nations as well as from the Middle East.
It is in man's nature to better one's lot in life, to move to another country and to assimilate and help provide for one's family. But this is not the case today. Much of today's immigration is illegal. The immigrants today are coming here skirting the laws, looking at the host country for food and shelter.
In addition, in most cases, the media outlets are criticizing the West for not doing enough. But what about the host countries themselves from where the people are fleeing? Doesn't Mexico, Honduras, Syria, Turkey, Serbia, etc all have a responsibility to their people? Shouldn't they be providing the means by which their people could flourish?
Unlike in generations past, many immigrants no longer want to assimilate into the host culture. They are bringing with them customs that the West does not promote and then they are getting upset at the citizens for living in a manner foreign to them. Women, Christians and Jews have been subjected to harassment not seen in years.
The political class has been absent in this battle because many stand to benefit from the chaos and new wave of immigration.