Today we’re going DEEP on daily HABITS for achieving optimal physical and mental health. This does not mean striving for perfectionism, it means showing up and consistently doing the things that are going to keep your body in its natural, healthy state.
The problem with western society’s approach to health What does optimal health mean to you?My daily morning and evening routinesUnderstanding the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systemsWhy gut health is mission critical to your overall well-being and mental healthHow to eat a healthy, plant-based diet (if elephants can live on plants, so can you)Why approaching dis-ease at the root cause is the only long-term approach The effects of stress on the body and how to bring your body back into balance quickly The magic of meditation, EFT and self-hypnosis Why it’s easier to be healthy than unhealthy Short-term pleasure equals long-term pain How to protect yourself against the “big 3” How the pharmaceutical industry preys upon people who are not fully educatedQuestions? Email [email protected]