A young police officer unexpectedly finds herself back in New Hampshire, and she’s not the same person she was when she left. Something happened to her – to all of us. But for Officer Emelia Campbell, this thing still lives in her brain and her body. This is her story of survival.
Bear Brook, hosted by Jason Moon, is the critically-acclaimed true crime podcast from New Hampshire Public Radio.
Season 1 - Two barrels. Four Bodies. And a cold case that’s changing how murders will be investigated forever.
Season 2: A True Crime Story - Jason Carroll is serving life in prison for a murder he says he didn’t commit. The only evidence against him? His own taped confession. More than 30 years later, is it possible to get to the truth – and who gets to tell it?
Stephen King called both seasons “the best true crime podcasts I've ever heard. Brilliant, involving, hypnotic.” The New Yorker said season one “stands out for its ambition, complexity, and thoughtful tone.” Bear Brook has also been named an Apple Podcasts Series Essential.
Photos, transcripts and more at bearbrookpodcast.com.
Do you have information about the Bear Brook murders or the Sharon Johnson murder case? Email us.