About Homestuck, as told by Raye from Of the Eldest Gods
Thanks for listening to Burn Before Reading!
Please check out our guest's podcast: https://www.deusexmedia.org/oftheeldestgods
Check out some supplementary materials about Homestuck:
"This We Didn't Start the Fire parody is essential, shows off how much shit was going on in that comic, and the video is all actual images and video from the comic so you can kind of see what is looked like. If you don't watch anything else this'll give you an idea.": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrhTB2Sij8c
"These are just. actual good animations. If you were reading Homestuck seriously, this is how you felt about it. It was cool and tragic and had tons of great characters and you were so into it.":
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Christina Kann: https://linktr.ee/christinakann
Lelia Hilton: https://www.instagram.com/leelz4realz/
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