If we don't respond to the needs of the poor, we will be ignored in our time of need (Prov 21:13); we will be cursed (Prov 28:27); and we can insult God by our lack of action (Prov 14:31).If we do respond to the needs of the poor, we will lack nothing and will be storing up for ourselves treasures in Heaven (1 Tim 6:18-19).How should we respond to the needs of the poor?
SHARE the Good News of the Gospel. This must be our priorityMark 14:6-9 - In this story Jesus wasn't dismissive of the poor. He was showing the importance of Him being the answer to the needs of the poor.
SPEAK OUT against injustice.Prov 31:8-9; Ps 82:3-4
SPEND1 Tim 6:18-19; Prov 28:27Mercy will always come with a cost.
SHOW.Luke 3:11; Prov 22:9Mercy and the message go together like faith and works. If we are people of faith, then sharing the practical love of Jesus will be the natural outworking of our belief.
STAND1 Sam 2:8We are to help lift, set and honour the poor. To help them stand in a place of value.
How do we do this?
- Share the Good News because this places the greatest value on them as a child of God.
Back up a practical gift with a short but meaningful statement or conversation.
Be guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Conclusion:Matthew 25:31-40