Welcome to 'Change Your Relationship with Food,' hosted by therapist Kyla Holley. Joining her is Hayley Perkins, a passionate advocate for dismantling diet culture and empowering individuals. As they share their personal journeys, discover how life experiences shape our relationship with food and body image.
Hayley recounts her transformative path, tackling emotional eating, diet history, and the deep-seated belief systems formed from childhood. Together, they explore the psychological intricacies linking self-worth and body image, emphasising the importance of addressing emotional and mental well-being alongside physical health.
Dive into a candid conversation about finding freedom beyond the scales, fostering self-compassion, and redefining happiness beyond size or weight. This episode offers valuable insights and practical steps for those ready to embark on their own journey to a healthier, happier relationship with food.
Director of the Australian Centre for Eating Behaviour www.acfeb.com
Join our 6 week Change your Relationship with Food online course
Need the Change your Relationship with Food journal and workbook?
Then click here https://www.amazon.com.au/Change-Your-Relationship-Journal-Workbook/dp/B0C91KG16R/ref=sr_1_3?crid=10KQQ6XS7PTA9&keywords=change+your+relationship+with+food&qid=1705448202&sprefix=change+your+rela%2Caps%2C241&sr=8-3
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Website https://ifdietsdontwork.co.uk
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