Chaos to Connected - Helping Parents Navigate Challenging Behavior with Connection; motherhood, toddler tantrum, behavior, conscious parenting, gentle parenting, pediatric occupational therapy

Chaos to Connected - Helping Parents Navigate Challenging Behavior with Connection; motherhood, toddler tantrum, behavior, conscious parenting, gentle parenting, pediatric occupational therapy

By Kaili Zeiher

EducationKids & Family

What's Chaos to Connected - Helping Parents Navigate Challenging Behavior with Connection; motherhood, toddler tantrum, behavior, conscious parenting, gentle parenting, pediatric occupational therapy about?

Are you tired of struggling to figure out what to do about your child’s behavior? Do you feel exhausted and frustrated trying to manage your own triggers while at the same time trying to calm your child down and feel like nothing is working? Do you feel guilty after losing your cool 15 minutes into a tantrum and wonder if you’re doing this whole motherhood thing right? Are you wishing there was something that would just work consistently to get your child to listen?

Hi, I’m Kaili, pediatric occupational therapist and momma to 2 energetic boys and I’m so grateful you are here! I remember what it felt like to struggle with my son’s aggressive behavior. I felt alone. I felt like no one else I knew was going through the same things or could understand what I was going through. And I had no idea what to do. I tried everything I could think of but nothing really seemed to work or that stuck anyway.

Feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted, like I was at the end of my rope, I found Hand in Hand parenting and I completely fell in love with the approach. It was everything I had ever dreamed motherhood would be about; training my child in a way that actually felt good and didn’t require rewards and punishments to obey and respect my authority. Plus, it focused on what the child’s behavior actually meant! Resolving things at a root cause level. What could be better than that??

Needless to say, I was hooked and after implementing the different connection focused strategies I saw more transformation than I ever thought possible. But not just in my son’s behavior, in my ability to remain calm through it all and my confidence in the approach I had chosen. No more comparison or worry of judgment. I knew this was the right path.

I wanted to make sure other moms out there who were struggling just like I was, had access to this information so I completed a professionals intensive training in Hand in Hand parenting and started sharing it.

Inside this podcast you will find tips, strategies, and perspective shifts to manage your child’s behavior as well as your triggers, and a constant shove outside the mainstream recommendations to utilize manipulation to change your child’s behavior. We are going to dive deep into how to implement CONNECTION, a vital necessity that the world wants to make us believe our children don’t actually need.

This is the game-changing, missing link and I’m going to give you tangible steps on how to incorporate it into your daily routines and in those extra challenging moments so your home doesn’t feel like a stressful and chaotic place but rather one where feelings are welcomed, behavior is understood as communication, and joy abounds.

So get comfy, I know you need a minute to take a rest after all you’ve been doing today, and join me as we jump into managing behaviors through connection!

XO Kaili

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Chaos to Connected - Helping Parents Navigate Challenging Behavior with Connection; motherhood, toddler tantrum, behavior, conscious parenting, gentle parenting, pediatric occupational therapy episodes: