High Performance Selling
Hosted by Johnny Q, Tic Tok @CoffeeIsForClosersJohnny email: [email protected]
“You are not selling a product or service, you are selling a lifestyle” - Johnny Q, Coffee is for Closer’s
The Reason You Are Not Selling
Have you ever wonder why people buy what they buy? If you simply ponder about the idea when people experience the purchase phase, most of the time they are motivated about how the product makes them feel. A product or services can simply be a item with no significance and the prospect is not emotionally motivated to move up in their value scale. This is usually the result that a lot of sale professionals are facing when they are left with a no sale. So why is it that customers are not purchasing products or services from you?
If you simply analyze why people purchase a product, a commitment to purchase a product must have feelings of emotions. Sales professionals forget or simply don't understand that without feelings of emotions when presenting a product or services you will never get the same results. Usually you will result will be very different from one another. First, without any feeling of emotions you will get a low value mind set on the product and services you are offering. There is not emotional enrichment of life to motivate the prospect to overpay for anything. The sales professional has not provided any value in the item to be exchange with their hard own money. Once the sales professional brings that element of emotional enrichment for the prospect, it elevates value over the product and services the sales professional is offering. If you can present you products or services in experiences where your prospects feel life enrichment. You will be able to sell easier, ask top dollar and close your prospect faster. In this episode with will learn the secret to framing your selling message in a way to close your customer in rapid speed.
In this episode you will learn:
High Performance Selling
The Reason You Are Not Selling
Getting Your Message - Keep It Simple
Selling With Counterpoint
Selling With Negatives
Selling Your Products “Possibilities”
Want to learn how to become an Excellent Sales Professional? Subscribe to Coffee Is For Closer’s on Apple Podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-is-for-closers/id1529322426 Once you belong to coffee is for closers you will learn amazing skill to further your career in sales, negotiating and closing deals. Follow the link for a great podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-is-for-closers/id1529322426 Hosted by Johnny Q.