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During this Confidence Conversation, we talk about what it means to fully embody confidence as an entrepreneur by being authentic to yourself and standing firm in your self-worth and value. Delve into what your personal branding says about you, and pick Rebecca’s brain on how to level up your business in an organic way without losing your customers.
Rebecca Peterson Studios is successful today, but the road to building a cutting-edge website and design studio wasn’t easy. Rebecca, like many entrepreneurs struggled with imposter syndrome, self-worth, and charging for her worth.
Rebecca Peterson is a brand strategist and the genius behind Rebecca Peterson Studios. Based in Dallas, TX, she cares A LOT about how things look believing that presenting things in a beautiful way makes them more special, meaningful, and memorable.
Rebecca supports coaches and consultants as a creative partner—She’ll equip you with not just a pretty logo, but with a complete vision for your brand, including strategy, design, and all the tools you need to attract clients with confidence.