Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by John Dickson to discuss if history discredits Christianity.Questions Covered in This Episode:
- Why are the core Christians's beliefs not surprising to a first century Jewish rabbi, known as Jesus?
- When were the Gospels written and how can we be sure?
- What about the claim that Jesus is God in the flesh, where is the evidence of that?
- Can you give us background on Constantine?
- What happened during the Crusades?
Guest Bio:John Dickson started out as a professional singer-songwriter and now works as an author, speaker, historian, and media presenter. He was the Founding Director of the Centre for Public Christianity. He has published over 20 books, two of which became television documentaries, with a third, For the Love of God: How the Church is Better and Worse Than you Ever Imagined, released in Australian cinemas in June 2018.John has held a variety of teaching and research positions before moving to Wheaton College, including in the Ancient History Department at Macquarie University (2002-2015), the Hebrew, Jewish and Biblical Studies Department at Sydney University (2011-2021), Ridley College Melbourne (2019-2022), and the Faculty of Classics at the University of Oxford (2015-2023). A busy public speaker, he lives in Wheaton, Illinois, with his wife Elizabeth and the youngest of their three children.Resources Mentioned:
- 1 Corinthians 15, Philippians 2
- Undeceptions Podcast
“Bullies and Saints” by John Dickson Follow Us:
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