It was first confusing to learn that the 5-year-old was not asleep in her bed when the terrible discovery was made in the early morning hours around 3 a.m. However, once her dad's girlfriend, who was there watching his two kids, noticed the back door was left wide open, it created a terrifying level of terror. Was she kidnapped by someone who broke into the house? Or had she escaped? In a situation like this, time is of the essence. Although minutes can feel like hours, the feeling of not knowing what to do or where to look first in a pitch-black neighborhood in a Florida town would be any parent’s worst nightmare. Worried she was in immediate danger, the whereabouts of this young girl caused commotion in the area. This episode includes the story of a missing girl, a number of sleepless nights, an ongoing, exhausting search against time and a fight for justice that is still active today.