Celestyna is a Rewilding Coach for women and mothers.
She holds a certification in integrative change work and has studied with renowned coaches and therapists to arrive at her particular
style of coherence coaching, a type of deep,
transformational and therapeutic coaching.
Celestyna's trickster medicine is using cutting-edge
neuroscience to rationalize and potentiate going
more irrational, more primal, and more woo.
Rewilding a mother (and/or her child) opens up new
and deep avenues for understanding and healing.
If we know our own mythology, we can tell ourselves
better stories, instead of believing the stories the
world told us. Celestyna works with clients one on
one and in small groups and currently has a waitlist
I can share about the (very pragmatic and non-fortunetell-y) astrology of midlife and why it can feel either like
crisis or like crucible, I can talk about midlife as a sacred
initiation and rebirth, I can give my own story of midlife, I
can talk about one of my midlife medicines, which is
beginning to speak aloud the unspeakable, I can talk
about dating in midlife and how very different it is from
dating at a younger age (at least for me).
Midlife is when we step into active authorship and realize
how much we are actually responsible for the stories of
our lives, and how much power we have to recreate our
characters, to introduce plot twists, to change the whole
meaning of ourselves.
In dating, I'm asking myself over and over again, what do
I want out of relationship outside of societal constructs
and norms, and is this person providing that right now?
These two essential questions, over and over and over.
IG: @celestyna.brozek.wild
W: https://celestynawild.com/