Imagine a future where software could actually think for itself. Imagine analyzing millions of customer reviews, online opinions, and pieces of unstructured data.
How would software like this impact marketing strategy?
🍋 B2B Marketing Consultant
🍋 Forbes Business Council Official Member
🍋 CMO of Revuze Computer Software
Revuze’s cloud-based B2B services generate insights into consumer experiences. Brands can take these insights and adjust their marketing campaigns to accommodate consumer feedback.
Haven’t marketers always used feedback though? The difference?
Their AI thinks for itself and operates in real-time, analyzing trends as they happen.
Alon takes us through the past year at Revuze, where he and his team have had to pivot 3 times. Servicing professionals who are themselves, higher-ups in marketing, can be challenging. But by remaining agile, they’ve been able to develop a feel for their customers' needs.
In Alon’s words, ‘the customer knows all of it, we can only listen.’
Alon demonstrates the gap between what consumers think about products, and what marketers think consumers think about products.
How do you make a single feature adjustment to a coffee machine that puts you ahead of the big guys in an Amazon search? What perfume scents are trending right now and why?
Trevor and Alon get into the differences between brand marketing and feature marketing.
Which creates more focus for your marketing strategy?
Which strategy speaks more to the consumer experience?
Which strategy is going to resonate more with the consumer?
As the market is shifting, brands need to seize opportunities. The market will recover, and when it does, it will flourish. So what trends can we expect to hang around after this virus disappears?
If you want to hear more about how providing data can sustain your company’s inbound marketing, don’t skip this episode.
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