Yakutia, also known as the Sakha Republic, the land where the Taiga meets the Tundra, is one of the coldest inhabited areas in the world and home to one of the most unique and thrilling languages and cultures in the Russian Federation. At Easy Languages, we are happy to count Easy Sakha as one of those languages.
In this episode, you'll listen to Tatiana O. & Olga Y. share all the essential facts about their fascinating language, the Sakha language, and give us their tips for learning languages in the second section.
And if you want to learn some basics in Sakha, become a member & join us for a fun after-show!
Show Notes
Sakha Tyla (Britannica)Yakut Alphabet/Script (Omniglot) About Yakut language / Sakha tyla (Life in Yakutia Channel) How similar are Tatar and Sakha/Yakut languages? With Eli from Russia (Life in Yakutia Channel)Similarities Between Turkish and Yakut (Siberian Turkic language)(Bahador Alast Channel)
History of Sakha: The Story of an Indigenous Siberian People (Left Handed Asians Channel)YAKUT PEOPLE, CULTURE, & LANGUAGE (IloveLanguages! Channel)10 Facts You Didn’t Know about Yakutsk (theculturetrip)Map of the Sakha Republic in the Russian FederationResources for learning Sakha:What People Wear in the Coldest Place on Earth (Yakutsk, Russia) | Easy Sakha 1 (Easy Languages Channel)Language Links DatabaseSakha Lessons Wordle in Sakha: https://sakhatyla.ruhttps://sakhatyla.ru/blogs/news/wordle https://wordle.afanasev.nethttps://wordle.tylytaay.ru Application to learn Sakha