纽约大学教授Adam Alter早在十年前就关注到了这个问题。他是纽约大学市场营销学和心理学的教授,主要研究方向是科技和行为成瘾之间的关系。
他的两本著作《Drank, Tank, Pink》和《Irresistible》均是纽约时报的畅销书籍,他关于屏幕成瘾的TED演说,让他在互联网上迅速传播。
In the digital era filled with explosiveinformation, have you ever considered who is in control of your life: thescreen or yourself?
It was a thought that struck Dr Adam Alter,a marketing professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, around10 years ago.
"When my wife and I didn't havechildren, we would spend a whole night next to each other on a couch – thewhole night would just disappear, the two of us living two separate lives onthat same couch," said Alter, who is also affiliated with the university'sPsychology Department.
"I was spending so much time on myphone, my iPad, and other devices, and I didn't think that it was the best wayto live. So I wondered: Is this true for everyone? Is it about sitting on thecouch at the end of a long night? Or is it something more pervasive?
"From there I started to do moreresearch, and I found that the things that affect you and your life are likelyto affect others as well," Alter, who focuses his research on topics thatdeal with the relationship between technology and behavioral addiction, said.
Alter insisted that screen time does nothave "one flavor" only. While there are more discretionary forms ofscreen time such as being fixated on the news, playing games, or using socialmedia more than we like, screen time also exists when learning a new language,speaking with a loved one who lives far away, attending meetings, or using amap to get around the city.
"I am not suggesting that we eliminatescreen time entirely. The importance is to understand the nuances; whatdifferent kinds of screen time mean for us," Alter said.
Nevertheless, one message that Alter's workseems to convey is that, be it a privilege or a cautionary tale, the ubiquityof technology is something that we have to live with, and act upon at our owndiscretion.
Alter, who was born in South Africa, is theNew York Times bestselling author of two books: Irresistible (2017) and DrunkTank Pink (2013). He has written for several publicationsincluding The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Washington Post and TheAtlantic. He has also shared his ideas on NPR's Fresh Air, Google andMicrosoft, among other companies.
Podcast:Behavioraladdiction can be corrected at our own discretion - SHINE News