A mitjans dels 60, al Regne Unit hi va haver un revival del folk. John Martyn és un dels màxims exponents d'aquest moviment. Amb la seva guitarra i acompanyat de virtuosos d'altres instruments, va construir una barreja de folk, jazz i psicodèlia que arriba al punt més àlgid el 1973, amb "Solid air".
01 John Martyn -"Solid air"
02 John Martyn -"Over the hill"
03 John Martyn -"Don't want to know"
04 John Martyn -"I'd rather be the devil"
05 John Martyn -"Go down easy"
06 John Martyn -"Dreams by the sea"
07 John Martyn -"May you never"
08 John Martyn -"The man in the station"
09 John Martyn -"The easy blues"
10 John Martyn -"Solid air (alternate take)"
11 John Martyn -"Over the hill(alternate take)"
12 John Martyn -"Don't want to know(alternate take)"
13 John Martyn -"I'd rather be the devil(alternate take)"
14 John Martyn -"Go down easy(alternate take)"
15 John Martyn -"Dreams by the sea(alternate take)"
16 John Martyn -"May you never(alternate take)"
17 John Martyn -"The man in the station(alternate take)"
18 John Martyn -"The easy blues(alternate take)"
19 Skip James -"Devil got my woman"