Recently I got curious about what was underneath one of my current wants and it’s been a beautiful process. I first journaled about it and then did a hypnosis about it to unlock what was blocking my ‘manifestation’ and a couple of weeks later I received a beautiful dream that explained it all! Turned out, my want wasn’t totally aligned with what I desired and that’s why it couldn’t manifest. Now I have a similar want that is in complete alignment. It’s a want that makes my current life and mood so much better because I’m so excited about it, and it doesn’t matter how or when it exactly will happen - you will of course know about it soon, cause you will be involved too ;) - whereas the former want made me impatient and angry because I was not getting it yet. It also made me realise once again that it’s never about the exact thing we want but about how we want to feel and so many other subtle factors.