Hello and welcome to Front End Chatter E176... LIVE FROM THE 2023 GRIN OOP NORTH TOUR!
Yes folks, after a lengthy absence due to life, the universe and everything, Front End Chatter is back – and not only back, but back LIVE. Recorded in front of a hand-picked audience of FEC friends from a hotel in Lancashire, your hosts Simon Hargreaves and Martin Fitz-Gibbons talk a load of nonsense including:
• guff about the new Suzuki GSX-S 8S and why it might be better than Honda’s Hornet
• guff about the new Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ and how it helps you brake
• Mufga goes trials riding with Inch Perfect Trials
• plus questions from the audience, including: • how to set-up, or not, a GSX-S1000S
• why pillion seats are so small • how to save motorcycling
• who will build the last petrol engine ever
And a bit more.
Thanks as always to Bennetts and BikeSocial.co.uk for their enduring and endearing support.
Thanks also to Paul at MCI Tours (www.mcitours.com) for organising and managing the FEC Grin Oop North Tour.
Thanks to the staff of Crooklands Hotel, Kendal, for their hospitality.
And, more than anything, thanks to our friends on the FEC Grin Oop North Tour 2023: Matt, DJ, Peter, Jamie, Owain, Dale, Paul, Jono, George, John, Iestyn, Fazer John & Pamela, Andy & Carol, Stuart & Leonie, Stuart & Jenny, PJ, Connor, Matt, Avi and Jake.
@SimonHbikes @Mufga