On April 11th, 2023, Paige Theriault-Fischer, the woman who murdered Hodan Hashi, had all charges stayed. The statement put out by the prosecution's office makes it clear that they have no intentions of reopening the case, or charging Paige with anything. Less than six months after stealing a life, Paige is free and clear; she gets to go on with the rest of her life as if nothing happened, meanwhile the Hashi's lives are permanently altered.
I had the privilege of heading from the Hashi family directly, through Hodan's sister Fartun. Her input, and her family's input is included throughout, and there is exclusive information within this episode that has not been shared elsewhere.
This is the third update in Hodan's case where everything that has gone on in 2023 is covered in depth. I will continue to post updates as the case progresses. Please make sure to follow the Hashi's on their social platforms, donate and share their go-fund-me, and participate in their email campaign to try and get charges against Paige reinstated.
Hashi Family Links:
Go-Fund-Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-hodan-hashi-legal-fund
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justiceforhodanhashi/?hl=en
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/justiceforhodan
Fartun's Twitter: https://twitter.com/sashao__
Petition: https://www.change.org/p/national-advocacy-campaign-for-hodan-hashi?original_footer_petition_id=16014181&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=15&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uANs7GQIAAAAAY5row5EzlGlhNjYwNzlhNA%3D%3D
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