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Alyson Lex 0:00
To the Okay, so that way you can hit record. I have been avoiding hosting a summit since I did my first summit My only summit in 2013. So I don't know, brighter for a reason you do the math on that. It's a lot of years between my first summit and my second summit, which is coming up in just a couple of months. Now, why did I wait so long? Between summits, there's a lot of reasons. One, I couldn't see the roadmap to how it would actually make me money. To, it felt like a lot of work for pay off, I couldn't visualize. Three, my first summit bombed so badly, that I was not at all eager to try it again. And for wasn't sure where I was gonna find the time to do it in my business, I was so super busy, if you will, with serving all of my clients, getting new leads, having sales calls, doing all of the stuff that's required to grow a business
that I couldn't see how I would be able to do it. All right, how can I do it all, when I'm by myself working for myself, trying to build this business. It's such a huge undertaking, and I just don't know that it's gonna pay off for the amount of work that I'm going to put into it. If that at all. Sounds familiar to you, this is the episode that you want to listen to. And the reason is, Jenny has been hounding me to do a summit for about six years. And I know how long she's been hounding me to do a summit because that's how long we've been friends. Really, it started almost immediately. It took six years, but I'm finally coming around to it, guys. And I want to tell you why. And we want to kind of talk you through what the plan is for me to actually get this done. With still being really busy in my business, and now doing the mom thing. And, you know, The Good Wife thing and the lockdown thing that we're still dealing with and all of that stuff. But I'm now looking forward to it because I see the roadmap to success. So I'm rambling and Jenny's being very, awfully quiet. And this is my way of trying to bring her into the conversation because she has run how many of these now for your clients about 280. So she's done a couple just knows how much time they take. And I think she's probably designed some processes to help it take a little bit less time. Right?
Jennie Wright 3:04
Yeah. So let's talk about it. There's, you know, there's, your story is no different than the a lot of the clients that I deal with. And it is no different in terms of how they feel the past experiences the poopy summit they had in the beginning, things like that, there is no difference in that story whatsoever. The only difference is your lens on it. Right? And your approach to it. And also all of the, and I'm not going to sugarcoat this, all of the excuses that we put in our way to make sure we don't do the things that we need to do. I am no different than anybody else. I make a boatload of excuses to do things the way I want versus the way they need to be done. First person to admit, right.
Alyson Lex 3:51
And I think that that's really important. Not only do we make excuses to not do things at all, but I really like what you just said we make excuses to do things the way we want to do them, not the way they should be done. Correct. Correct. Well, I don't want to go live to promote, or I don't want to Xyz to do this. I don't want and so what happens is then we decide how we do want to do it, which is very rarely in a way that's going to actually get traction. Correct. And then we get upset when it doesn't work.
Jennie Wright 4:26
100% that so I've actually literally worked with people who are saying, Yeah, I'll do it somewhat with you. But I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. And it's this laundry list of things they don't want to do, for whatever reason. It's their own preconceived notions on it. And then, you know, this is before I was really in my project management sort of space. I would let them I would let them run the ship. Alright, I would let them steer the boat. And then when the summit didn't go the way they wanted the only person they looked at, it wasn't themselves. It was me. This didn't work. It's your fault. So I don't want to go down that road too too much. But what I want to pull from this conversation on that is, there's a, there's a way it works. And there's an acceptance piece, just like anything else, you want to lose weight, you have to accept the fact that things are going to change, you want to have a better relationship with your partner, you have to accept the fact that you've made some boo boos, and how are you going to fix them? Right, and you have to see the roadmap, like you were saying earlier, on how to get there. So any coach worth their metal, worth their salt, whatever word you want to use, we'll show you the roadmap. There are lots of programs out there that'll teach you summits, and a lot of them will keep you behind that gaming term of fog of war, to tell you to stay on the step that you're in and not know, the whole roadmap, and you and I are very similar, where we need to have, like, we need to know all the picture, everything that's going on. So let's, let's move into that space, and talk about what that's going to be like. The biggest hurdle for you was time, how to fit it into your business, how did it fit in into your life? How did it fit, you know, and I'll tell you that the secret is, it's my favorite phrase, there's a suck it up opportunity in there. Because if you want to achieve the goal, build your list, increase your income and actually get clients with more ease than maybe the way that people have been doing it, where they're working so hard to get those leads, you have to accept a bit of uncomfortability. And that's what a summit is going to do. Now, let's talk about the benefit real quick. If you do a summit, and you fit it into your life, and by the end of this episode, we're going to show you how then you're going to uplevel all of those skills, your video skills, your audio skills, your Facebook Live skills, your copywriting skills, your tech skills, just by even if you're not a tech person, and you're not doing the tech, you'll improve just by the fact that somebody is doing it for you. And you're going to see what works, right? So you're going to learn all these things, you're going to uplevel, your sales skills, your joint venture skills, your interview skills, all these different things. So at the end of the summit, you're going to be a better entrepreneur. That's one of the biggest selling features.
Alyson Lex 7:07
It's not just that though, right? Like, I really feel like, and this is why it's important for me to do one this year. It kind of forces you on the stage, if you will. So it's really easy to hide, oh, I've built my business on nothing but referrals and word of mouth. And I've said that for 13 years, which by the way, that's awesome. The fact that I get referrals is a great thing. And I'm not downplaying those. But what that was was an excuse to keep hiding. And to not put myself out there. And so a list build like this kind of pushes you out into the limelight a little bit, it forces you to be a little bit more visible. And because of that your business can take on a different trajectory. Correct?
Jennie Wright 8:00
Absolutely. So let's let's talk about the time factor, because I think that's a really big thing that plays into people's lives. I want you to share how you overcame the time issue.
Alyson Lex 8:18
So I'm going to be very transparent and say that I have not fully done that yet.
Jennie Wright 8:27
And what's the acceptance process that you're
Alyson Lex 8:28
well, there is the acceptance process. And so what has happened is I'm very overwhelmed by even the concept. And as of the time of this recording, I still have about four to fiv...