In this episode I interview Dolores Halbin, who shares a very unfortunate story about how the system took away the only medicine that worked for her husband, Gene Halbin. Gene is now in hospice as a direct result from the series of unfortunate events that took place since 2007 when Gene was diagnosed with ‘Acute NeoVascular Glaucoma’. Be sure to listen to this story.
Introduction Song:
White Noise by Hotel Garuda.
Shout Out:
This app, which was designed by a 16-year old, shows exactly who’s putting money into the pocket of your representatives. With one swift search you can discover that the politician who’s always voting against marijuana bills, gets paid by Big Pharma and the Private Prison industry.
If you’re going to participate, be sure to search for your favorite politician(s) before making any decisions in this upcoming election.
3:58 – “And they came in jars like those over there?”
Here’s what I pointed to:
Here’s what she was referring to:
4:15 – “I shared a post by Bleeding Kansas”
I’m currently working with Dolores to find this post.
15:26 – “The list of things that cannabis treats, is huge..”
See for yourself…
15:33 – “Big Pharma lobbies against pro-marijuana legislation.”
The Top 5 Industries Lobbying Against Cannabis Legalization Will Infuriate You:
America’s Drug Companies Are Bankrolling The Crusade Against Legal Weed:
Leading Anti-Marijuana Academics Are Paid By Painkiller Drug Companies:
Who’s Really Fighting Legal Weed:
16:19 – “I’ve read quite a big about Harry J. Anslinger..”
A yellow-Journalist who started the American-Spanish war and created the ‘War on Drugs’ using newspaper propaganda.
16:23 – “…William Randolph Hearst and the paper industry.”
Skip to 3:21 in the video to get a really concise lesson onto William Randolph Hearst and the paper industry. There’s not enough evidence to prove what’s being mentioned within this video, so it remains a conspiracy, but many people believe it’s true because it’s the most plausible theory for why he went out of his way to wage a war against cannabis:
16:27 – “That they took a book from the Stalin / Hitler playbook on how to manipulate populations”[I requested the source from her, will update this if/when I receive it]
17:13 – “I’ve been researching for 6 years.”
Whoa.. I meant 6 months. But hey, I guess I have been researching it for about 6 years, now that I think about it.17:50 – “I get random Facebook messages, people are like “Want to buy some weed?”
Yes, this is a real message I received. I get them all the time.
18:03 – “Five years ago they did a survey, 6 million Americans smoke marijuana daily.”
“5.4 million use marijuana daily or almost daily”
Source: National Survey on Drug Use and Health According to the most recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health (“Survey”), 5.4 million people aged 12 or older used marijuana on a daily or almost daily basis in the previous 12 months. (Article was written in 2014)
18:14 – “The Federal Government clinging to this class one, it’s the same as heroin..”Dolores is referring to the fact that marijuana is a “Class One Substance”. In order for a substance to be a ‘Class One Substance’, it must meet each of these three requirements:
The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
18:26 – “During the Iraq War, I was listening on Sunday Morning program… Tom Delay had written a book about his perception of the Iraq War.”
[I requested the source from her and will update this if/when I receive it]
18:36 – “Chuck Shumer was on one of the morning shows with Tom, and he looked right at Tom and he said, ‘You sir, are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own set of facts’.”[I requested the source from her and will update this if/when I receive it]
19:23- “One person dies every 20 minutes from Oxycotin overdose.”
The only thing I could find was that one person dies every 19 minutes.
This came from a CNN article. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, associate chief of neurosurgery at Grady Memorial Hospital and CNN’s chief medical correspondent interviewed Gary Franklin, a medical director for Washington state’s Department of Labor and Industries. CNN quoted him as saying this:
The most common scenario, he said, involves a man in his 40s or 50s who visits a doctor with a backache and walks out with a pain pill prescription. About three years later, typically, the man dies in his sleep from taking too many pills, or mixing them with alcohol.
They don’t intend to die, but more than 20,000 times a year — every 19 minutes, on average — that is exactly what happens. Accidental overdoses are now a leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States, surpassing car crashes.
20:11 – “What’s that crazy one [medication] that people drive around on in their sleep? … with the butterfly advertisement?”
LUNESTA®, but we may have confused it for Ambien (Zolpidem).
20:28 – Dolores mentioned replacement drugs for Cannabis.Nearly 75% of Americans take at least one prescription drug [fact check], nearly 50% take at least two, many of them have horrendous side effects.
Here’s what the CDC says:
Percent of persons using at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days: 48.7% (2009-2012)Percent of persons using three or more prescription drugs in the past 30 days: 21.8% (2009-2012)Percent of persons using five or more prescription drugs in the past 30 days: 10.7% (2009-2012) Source:
Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted Medical Center researchers say.
Here’s a hilarious John Oliver video that explains the disgusting tactics that pharmaceutical sales reps use to get doctors to prescribe more drugs:
36:27 – Her brother called her and said she was on the front page of the London Times. “I couldn’t find this anywhere”I still can’t find this. What she referenced to was the Don Bradley article, not the London Times article.
36:45- Don Bradley’s article:
37:39: – “And that’s where we met the seizure mom’s”Dolores is referring to the mothers of children who suffer from severe epilepsy. If you’re not familiar with this subject, PLEASE PLEASE watch this video:
Here are more videos. Please watch and share them. Very few people are aware of this subject and children are dying as a result.
38:04 – Missouri passing the CBD oil bill. CBD oil does not contain THC, and cannot get you ‘high’, but it does offer medical benefits:
On May 1, 2014, the Missouri House (136-12) and Senate (unanimous) passed CBD-only legislation. The bill directs the state’s Department of Agriculture to set up a system for non-profit applicants to produce the oil under Health and Senior Services guidelines. Patients who suffer from seizures must prove that other treatment regimens have failed. On July 18, Gov. Jay Nixon signed the bill, making Missouri the 11th state to legalize CBD oil.
43:21 – “Help the Halbins” Donation page:
Edit: This Donation page is no longer up, but I will leave the dead URL for historical purposes.
47:04 – “Could you move your phone real quick?”
Sometimes phones mess with the equipment and create a weird tapping sound. It’s really hard to edit out.
55:41 – Unopened rape kits.
You can read more about this here:
And for those of you who prefer to listen, rather than read, NPR did a brief 26-minute episode on the subject:
56:14 – “I don’t think the rape kits are even expensive..?”
“A rape kit backlog starts for several reasons. One reason is
lack of resources. On average, it costs between $1,000 and $1,500 to test one rape kit. As crime labs have grappled with limited capacity and state and local law enforcement budgets have tightened, untested kits have piled up across the country.”
56:39 – “They have started opening the kits…” “Many rapists are repeated offenders.”
Not only are they being used now, but they’re using samples from older cases and charging rapists from crimes they got away with.
59:04 – “I don’t think the rape kits are relevant at all.”
It sounded like I said “relevant”, but I definitely said “irrelevant”.
59:42 – Police go after crimes that are more profitable.
This has become a HUGE problem within this nation. Here’s an informative article and video on the subject:
Another thing not mentioned is that when the police ‘seize’ money, the victim has to pay a ton of money to get it back, but the victim is unable to do so because in most cases, all of their money was stolen by police.
Multiple cities were also caught shortening the duration of yellow lights to generate more revenue from traffic light cameras. People weren’t able to stop quickly enough and would get a speeding ticket in the mail.
1:01:01 – “Any state that has a Federally funded state [drug] task-force, they get to keep the money…”
This website appears to discuss this problem in Chicago.
I didn’t really read any of this. So message me if this link sucks or if you have a better source.
1:03:06 – Police have been frequently caught keeping and later consuming confiscated marijuana.
Here’s a video of police, who raided a medical marijuana dispensary, eating stolen cannabis edibles on camera.
1:09:46 – “If you Google ‘Why is marijuana still illegal?’, the first thing that comes up is..”
Here’s that Google Search in case you wanted to search that phrase:
1:12:34 – “Every bank that got bailed out has investments in private prisons.”
I couldn’t find very much information on this subject, but I did see that Wells Fargo, the fifth largest bank in the U.S. used it’s $24 Billion bail out to invest in private prison industries and to buy-out it’s competitors.
…I smell government corruption..
1:12:44 – Chart showing incarceration rates before and after marijuana became illegal:
1:13:18 – “Commissary alone [made] $50 million last year.”
In Texas alone, inmates spent about $95 million at prison markets during 2009.
1:14:45 – “CCA (Corrections Corporation of America)”
1:16:58 – “And you have to check the little box as well.”
In the U.S. most employers have a check box on resumes asking, “Have you ever been convicted of a felony? YES/NO.”
1:19:27 – “56% of Americans think that… marijuana should be legal for recreational use.”
In 2015, 53% reported that they support legalization of marijuana.
1:25:02 – More information on drug-task-force raids.
The Wikipedia page is great for a brief introduction on the controversy of the subject:
Here’s are two short articles worth reading:
1:25:26 – “The amount of times they (drug task force teams) get the wrong house, is more frequent than you’d expect…”
If you want to read for hours about the tragedy’s caused by no-knock raids by SWAT teams provoked by nothing more than victim-less marijuana crimes, suspicions, and pranks calls (which is called SWAT’ing):
1:26:14 – Eating cannabis produces a different psychological effect than smoking cannabis.
Smoking marijuana places THC, the psychoactive chemical within marijuana, directly into the blood stream via the lungs. However, when ingesting marijuana, the chemical makes its way into the stomach, and gets processed in liver. The liver changes the cannabinoid THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, which is more potent. 11-Hydroxy-THC creates an entirely different effect on the body, and is frequently report as discomforting or unfavorable, whereas the effects of THC are often reported as very relaxing.
Smoking marijuana gets you high very quickly and effects last anywhere from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Eating marijuana can generate effects lasting anywhere from 6 to 10 hours.
These two articles are very informative:
1:26:52- “If you drink too much water you can die.”It’s called water intoxication or “dilutional hyponatremia.” I’ve personally experienced it, and it’s no fun. It’s worst headache you’ll ever experience in your entire life.
What happens is your cells soak up all the water like a sponge and begin to swell. It dilutes all the sodium in your body, which your body needs to regulate several essential core functions.
Back in 2007 a mother died participating in a water-drinking contest in an attempt to win a Wii gaming system for her children:
WebMD gives you a pretty rudimentary explanation:
1:27:13 – “These days everyone has a portable vaporizer.”
1:27:19 – “It’s just flavor and Glyphosate.”
Haha! It’s definitely not glyphosate, that’s the terrible pesticide used in Monsanto’s Round-up. What I meant to say was Propylene Glycol.
1:27:35 – “You should be very untrusting of the FDA” and “It takes about 15 years of research to learn about just ONE chemical.”
I learned this when I was listening to a free Yale college course on Environmental Politics and Law. If you enjoy learning, download the free course (audio files) and listen to it. I learned more in 5 minutes of that course than I do in 20 minutes of researching most things. Here’s the link to the course content:
1:27:15 “There isn’t any research (on marijuana).”
After visiting the Show-Me Conference in St. Louis on November 7th, (yes I went to it), I learned that this is a very popular misconception. Delores and myself both fell victim to this misconception as well.
There is currently more research done into Cannabis than most drugs. This research is conducted in states where it’s legal and in the University of Mississippi, a university which has Federal approval to grow and study cannabis.
Here’s an excerpt from Paul Armentano’s slide presentation at that conference. Paul Armentano is the Deputy Director of NORML:
A search on PubMed, the repository for all peer-reviewed scientific papers, using the term “marijuana” yields nearly 20,000 scientific papers referencing the plant and/or its constituents, nearly half of which have been published just within the past decade.
By comparison, a keyword search using the term “Tylenol” yields 17,370 published papers.
A keyword search using the term “ibuprofen’ yields 10,500 published paper.
A keyword search using the term “Ritalin” yields 7,012 published papers, and a keyword search using the term “hydrocodone” yields only 630 published papers.
1:29:32 – “I think it’s called ‘The Emporer Wears No Clothes..”The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer.
On Amazon it’s #1 for the category “Wild plant gardening.”
Edit: I’ve since read this book and it’s by far one of the best books on the subject of Cannabis. The entire book is available for free on Jack Herer’s website:
1:30:33 – “Two months ago I filed an ACLU action request.”
1:30:43 – Dolores talks about suing the Federal Government.
Here’s a link to the DOJ 95 form:
1:33:01 – They granted Lilly Ledbetter’s request to sue the Federal Government:
1:33:35 – “I was reading a book called Business Brilliant.”
Here’s a link to that book on Goodreads and on Amazon:
1:34:43 – “Women are less likely to ask for the things they want or feel entitled to.”
The book is referring strictly to the subject of business and salary. History shows us very clearly that woman do ask for what they want; the feminist movement and alcohol prohibition attest to that fact.
But when it comes to asking their boss for a raise or negotiating for a higher salary, they rarely ever do so.
1:36:09 – “I thought you were saying Tor, it’s an anonymous browser”. (She was saying “Tort”)
1:37:48 – Patient Cannabis Wall (Facebook Page)
Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:
1:38:39 – If you know anyone who is a patient or caregiver of someone who needs medical marijuana, but cannot get access to it, tell them to go to…
Any of the above mentioned NCP links.
1:39:24 – “It’s got children on the front page..”
1:41:19 – Ray Charles cancelled a show in Georgia because of segregation:
1:50:55- “You’ve talked on both 96.5 The Buzz and… were on Don Bradley’s article?”
Edit: This link is no longer working. But will remain for historical purposes.
Here’s Don Bradleys article,
1:51:57 – Dolores explains what the DOJ95 letter addressed to Lorette Lynch should contain.
1:52:44 – Department of Justice address:
950 Pennsylvania avenue
Washington D.C. 20530
1:53:31 – “It would be nice to get this out at the St. Louis Conference.”
Dolores is referring to the Show-Me Cannabis Annual Fall conference that took place in St. Louis, Missouri. Missouri is the “show me state”.
I went there and stood in front of roughly 40-50 people and spoke on behalf of Dolores and networked for the Cannabis podcast episode. I also recorded the entire event (audio file).
Here is the event on Facebook:
1:53:42 – “November 19th”
Was the agreed upon date to mail out all the DOJ95 forms. Unfortunately, this is no longer practical since it took me 2 weeks just to edit and upload this episode due to several complications.
1:57:55 – Dolores organized and walked in the March for medicine.
The original article is no longer available, but a another website copied the article.
1:59:04 – An emotional part.1:59:50 – Help the Halbins donation page:
Edit: This Donation page is no longer up, but I will leave the dead URL for historical purposes.
2:00:31 – “Bernie Sanders average donation…”
Bernie Sanders donation average was $33.51 and 99% of donations were under $250. He raised over $15 million in just a few short months.
I was wrong about Hillary, I believe I was referring to the average amount donated by CEO’s.
About 60% of Hillary Clintons donors were women and 94% of the donations came in amounts of $250 or less. The average donation was $144.89.
Both of these sources were quotes directly from their campaign’s.
2:02:24 – “We’ve wasted soo much money… [on the drug war]”
The U.S. federal government spent over $15 billion dollars in 2010 on the War on Drugs, at a rate of about $500 per second.
Source: Office of National Drug Control Policy.
State and local governments spent at least another 25 billion dollars.
Awhile back the DEA admitted that 98% of all the cannabis they eradicated was ‘ditchweed’, which is just feral hemp. You can’t get high off of ditchweed. For comparison, just imagine spending billions of dollars to wage a war against dandelions.
2:02:32 – “Enough to put everyone through college for…”
I couldn’t figure this out. If any of you nerds are willing to do the math to figure it out, just leave a comment below and show your work and cite your sources.
2:03:14 – “Don Bradley Article”
Refer to the reference at 34:12.
2:04:10 – More emotion. [Talking about their 40th Anniversary]
2:08:35 – “…When the first state became medical”
California was the first state to legalization medical marijuana.
2:09:34 – “In 1941 they made Hemp for Victory”
1940’s Propaganda video made by the Department of Agriculture, to get people to grow hemp:
(Oh and it was actually 1942, not 1941).
2:11:05 – We talk a bit about Reefer Madness.What is Reefer Madness? It’s an anti-marijuana cult classic film. It’s also notorious for being one of the worst films of all time. I watched it for the Cannabis episode and I can say with certainty that it’s the worst film I have ever watched.
It portrays marijuana as a dangerous drug that provokes; insanity, a desire to rape, murder, hit-and-run, extreme addiction, dishonesty, and suicide.
Here’s the full film on Youtube (message me if this video goes down):
2:11:30 – Nancy Grace, “People are injecting marijuana… and will kill whole families..”
Actual quote: “People on pot shoot, stab and strangle each other.” Btw, the joke is that people can’t “Inject” marijuana.
Nancy Grace was so ignorant on marijuana that any video of her talking about marijuana instantly got millions of views due to educated individuals sharing the video in complete disbelief. It wasn’t long before a TV network snatched her up for the views she gathered and gave her a show where she did nothing but blast stupid nonesense and misconceptions about marijuana. She was infamous for censoring knowledgeable guests (she frequently cut mics), sided with anyone who sided against marijuana (even if they were wrong), and several other cringe-worthy methods of ignorance.
2:16:34 – The Don Bradley article was discussed again.
Refer to the reference at 34:12 for the link to this article.
2:23:21 – “Dan” Viets:
Here’s his website:
2:25:01 – NORML & Show-Me Cannabis (Missouri):
2:25:31 – The Big event in St. Louis:Here is the event on Facebook (again):
2:27:08 – Fox news coverage of the mission for Medicine walk that Dolores did:Http://
2:27:23 – We discuss her interview with 96.5 The Buzz.
Edit: This link is no longer working. But will remain for historical purposes.
2:30:57 – “He was 21, about your size..”
For a visual reference, I’m 6 foot and very scrawny.
2:32:50 – The tomato grow-ops busted in Missouri on 4/20:
2:33:22 – The people who are victims of drug-task force/ SWAT raids have to go through therapy:
The need for therapy is usually mentioned within the lawsuits. Here’s a few examples of SWAT teams doing horrifying things on innocent people when raiding the wrong house. The police almost always receive no punishment while the city pays millions of dollars.–_paramilitary_policing_is_out_of_control
2:34:00 – “I’m grateful to the organization LEAP and brian… Umm.. I’ll have to get you his last name.”
She might be referring to Brian Leininger.
2:34:16 – LEAP “Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.”
Facebook Page:
2:35:40 – “The battle with the hemp bales..”
She was referring to the First Battle of Lexington. Lexington is fairly close to my home and I’ve visited the historical site with a group once.
Here’s a short summary of that battle:
2:39:09 – “Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” This quote seems to be paraphrased from something that Rosa Luxemburg said in the late 1980’s.
2:40:17 – “What is the end goal?”
Paraphrasing: “The end goal is the declassification of Marijuana as a class one substance. And to have the Federal Government blanket decriminalization of cannabis, Nationwide like it was pre-1937.
2:40:56 – “[Cannabis] It’s curing cancer.”
This article lists 20 very reliable sources that provide evidence that Cannabis can cure cancer.
2:41:04 – “…Big oil is going to lose out on this…”
Hemp makes really amazing cheap bio-fuel which can replace some of our dependency on fossil fuels, such as plastics:
2:41:13 – The Seven Deadly Sins:Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.
2:41:43 – “So what would you suggest people do to help you with this end goal?”Paraphrasing: “Write to Lorretta Lynch at the Department of Justice. File the DOJ95 form.”
(It takes less than 10 minutes).
2:45:45 – Xanax wipes out 1 out of every 4 of your thoughts.I couldn’t find anything on this. If you find a source, please post it in the comments section below and say which time the reference belongs to.
2:45:56 – “It’s funny because Cannabis literally does the opposite.”It increases the amount of thoughts you produce, by inhibiting inhibitors that reduce the amount of thoughts you can have. Here’s an 2-minute video that explains how marijuana effects your brain:
2:46:14 – “Every third thought.”[Earlier she said ‘fourth’]
2:47:04 – The donation page:
Edit: This donation page is no longer available. The URL will remain for historical purposes.
2:48:08 – “Also the National Patience Cannabis Wall.”
2:49:58 – “What valuable lessons did this… experience teach you?”
“I’ve learned that Americans are good. Basically kind, gentle, and compassionate people who’s country has been hijacked by corporate greed…”
2:51:31 – Quote:
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
2:53:55 – The scanned copies of all the letter and forms she sent in.
I have not received these yet, but she has agreed to mail them to me.
2:54:14 – “What’s your shout-Out?”
Paraphrasing: “If you’re a patient, join the Patient Cannabis Wall. If you have money, donate to our cause.”
2:58:00 – Dolore’s trial is set on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of December.
If I don’t forget, I’ll update what’s happened to her after this is all over. Hopefully things go well, for both her and Gene.
2:58:16 – “Lastly, how can people get in touch with you?”
Refer to “How can listeners get in touch with Dolores”, just below the references.
2:59:01 – “Shout-out to Adela Fawk… she has started POW 4/20 and is traveling the country visiting prisoners who are in jail for life.”
“Her motto is that no one should be in jail for a plant”.
Additional shout-outs to: “Vicky Anderson, Dana M. Arvidson, for the patient cannabis wall, and all the people who have just been so kind to us and supportive of us.”
“Show-Me Cannabis, Amber Langston, Dan Viets, John Payne, and the girls at the patient cannabis wall.”
3:00:24 – Dolores’s family crest: How can listeners get in touch with Dolores?
Personal Facebook Account:
This episodes challenge is to…
Join an advocacy group.
It would be awesome if you chose a medical marijuana advocacy group, because the movement does need people, but any group will do. Explore the world and discover what these advocacy groups have to offer. You’ll often find that they have a lot to offer in the way of friendship and knowledge.
If you have a cool idea for a future challenge to give listeners, send them to [email protected].
If you have any questions regarding this episode just ask in the comments section below!
Updates to this story:
– (11/24/2015) Gene unfortunately passed away on Thanksgiving morning laying in bed next to his wife Dolores.
– (12/5/2015) Gene Halbin had a wonderful funeral service. His family told great stories and they played “Another one bites the dust” by Queen at the end of his service.
– (12/22/2015) I went to Dolores’s court case, but it was prolonged. The judge needed time to think over his decision and to refer to previous cases of a similar nature. Also, the prosecutor just so happened to be the most uneducated individual I had ever encountered. He knew absolutely nothing about the nature of cannabis and it’s uses.
– (1/15/2016) Dolores just received the verdict of “Guilty” today in court for charges of possession for her husbands plants.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it to the trial today so I don’t have very much information. I will add additional updates as I receive information.
The post #8 – A Fight for Medical Marijuana with Dolores Halbin appeared first on Growth Origin.