Marianne Oude Nijhuis is a child and youth psychologist by education, and a mentor for visionary professional and creative entrepreneurs by calling. She is a writer and a mother of two children. She loves being outside and she swims in the North Sea (!) weekly all year round.
“Sovereignty is a soul quality. It’s within you, it’s within me.”
“In motherhood, it’s important to develop a lot of soul qualities to be the mother you want to be, to give our children the support they need so they can grow up as their sovereign self. We have to give [our children] love, safety, protection and also honor their sovereign so they can be themselves.”
“I discovered that everything in creating a business - creating your project, creating your art, your writing, it’s all a relationship. Your business has its own soul so you can be in a relationship with your business.”
“We are nature. And we are part of the ecology we live in.”
“I don’t believe we need to punish our children. we have to be good listeners to our children, to our body, to our soul.”
“I want to work from my overflow. […] I don’t want to give everything to everyone.”
“We don’t have to do it all ourselves. Support is really important to do our work. And our work is not only the productivity but also be outside, be at the seaside. That’s also my work because when I’m there all these ideas are coming to me and I give that in my work with my clients, in my writing.”
“I call this radical self-care. And I call it radical because we are not used to it. We are used to running and running, productivity, and being there for whatever. But it’s so exhausting. We have to change this as mothers, for our daughters. It’s not sustainable. We cannot do this anymore.”
“Really listen to your body. What does your body need? What is your body feeling? What are your thoughts? And make that a daily practice.”
“You have 5 minutes to take care of yourself. You have two hours to go outside. But you have to put it in your agenda. And it is part of taking care of others.”
“Carve out the time for self-care because we have the time.”
“Take care of your relationship with your inner selves. And if you’re a parent, take care of your relationship with your child.”
And so much more.For links to my behind-the-scenes article about this Hail the Queen episode called “Our Relationship With Time" or to the books Marianne mentioned, click here.
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