There are 5 words that every parent NEVER, ever wants to hear come out of their child’s mouth…’I want to kill myself.’
You think that it can never happen to your family. To your child. I’m here to share that it happened to our family and it could just as easily happen to yours.
In this intense interview (mama…get the tissues before tuning in)…I interview my daughter who has dealt with debilitating anxiety, depression, being bullied, and some very dark, suicidal thoughts.
You may be wondering why I would interview my 15 year old daughter to share her story. Because her story matters.
Homecoming 2017
Her story will change the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of girls and their parents, who are desperately scouring the internet for information that they can relate to…and I can vouch first hand that it’s not out there…or if it is, it’s really hard to find.
Please take the time to listen to this powerful interview to really hear, first hand from a teenage girl who went through so much…so many unfair situations. And still chooses to bring hope, strength, and her story to the world in the efforts of taking a stand against being ashamed of sharing our truth. Our reality.
This interview exposes how real the ‘mean girls’ can be, how cruel kids can be with their hurtful words, and most of all – how schools are turning the blind eye to bullying…even when it’s being supported by facts and lots of pictures.
We’re here to take a stand in this world and make it a better place.
Elizabeth shared this image on SnapChat only weeks before she told me, “I just want to die.”
One mother and daughter uniting together to help one girl or one mother out there who can relate to our story.
And then another…and another…
There is hope!
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-8255“We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.”
You can reach Elizabeth or myself by emailing me at * [email protected] *
***All emails will be screened by me before I will share them with my daughter.
There are 5 words that every parent NEVER, ever wants to hear come out of their child’s mouth…’I want to kill myself.’
You think that it can never happen to your family. To your child. I’m here to share that it happened to our family and it could just as easily happen to yours.
In this intense interview (mama…get the tissues before tuning in)…I interview my daughter who has dealt with debilitating anxiety, depression, being bullied, and some very dark, suicidal thoughts.
You may be wondering why I would interview my 15 year old daughter to share her story. Because her story matters.
Homecoming 2017
Her story will change the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of girls and their parents, who are desperately scouring the internet for information that they can relate to…and I can vouch first hand that it’s not out there…or if it is, it’s really hard to find.