In this episode of Joan Of Art on Radio Free Rhinecliff, Joan Juliet Buck reviews two offerings about the Opioid Crisis:
Painkiller, an uneven but necessary fiction-based-on-fact series dramatizes how the false marketing of Oxycontin by the Sackler family and their company,Purdue Pharma, hooked millions of Americans and killed hundreds of thousands. Painkiller lags in the middle but packs a punch at the end, and the story is not yet over. (Starring Udo Azuba, Taylor Kitsch, Matthew Broderick, West Duchonvy, Dina Shihabi , on Netflix, 6 episodes)
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed is a thrilling documentary by Laura Poitras (‘Citizen Four’) about the courage of one artist, the photographer Nan Goldin. Having set the standard for visual honesty with raw photographs of private lives, attained worldwide fame , and survived a consuming addiction to Oxycontin, she gambled her standing in the art world to force museums to remove the Sackler name from their walls, through a series of protests that give the documentary the pace, tension and payoff of an action movie. It came out in 2022 and has not stopped winning prizes, all deserved. (With Nan Goldin, Patrick Radden Keefe, Mike Quinn, Megan Kapler, on MAX/HBO,1h53 )
Produced and edited by Matty Rosenberg, co-produced by Jennifer Hammoud, and Joan Juliet Buck @
Graphics by Joseph Maresca
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