The biggest pod yet - and what will probably result in at least a monthly political panel in some capacity- I was honored with the input & participation of the following (alphabetically ordered) guests:
+Adam Collins: "38 year old former and current candidate for Hamilton City Council. Atheist humanist, putting the betterment of humankind above all else. My main goal in life is to try to leave the world a better place than when I got here. Ultra liberal far leftist. Fuck the system."
+Jake Dingler: "30. Queer communist/Maoist. Welder by trade, gig worker by circumstance. Social justice organizer with various groups around Cincinnati."
+Tara Doerzbacher: "31. Intentional living. Feminist. Gatherer of plants and books and non committal men. Moderate Liberal."
+Tyler Herrmann: 31. Unapologetic Republican. Lawyer. Gubment employee & burgeoning/lightweight established politician. "Tyler has several letters after his name, but still knows very little. Also, he likes elephants."
+Dr. Amy Holland: Au. D. Libertarian. Former small business owner & private practician, current Clinical Director for a large (but family-owned) hearing health business in OH & KY. Sassy-pants. Deadpanner unrivaled. She's a class-act human being, rational to a fault, and sometimes she makes too much goddamn sense.
In an increasingly divisive country, I sought to lay the groundwork for a dialogue across the political spectrum. I hope you enjoy these different & often conflicting viewpoints as much as I enjoyed having them on.