Hear amazing testimonies of God guiding, leading & answering prayer from former Kindling Fire podcast guest
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” - Rom 10:17
In this episode:
1. Joseph White @josephwhite2256 of Everyday Miracle episode 98 & 99 shares how God used dreams to guide him in a financial decision
2. Dan Zehner @anthemoftheadventurer of Men need adventure episode 148 share how forgiveness of a father unlocked the Gods truth in a friends life
3. David Riffel of @mentoringwarriors episode 108 shares how his faith has increased through unexpected difficulties
4. James Koenig of Favor episode 87 @freelancefridge shares how God is increasing his faith through his art/ profession
5. Brett Murrey @brettmurray73 of Kill the Pose episode 116 share how God is moving in Australia with men
Please go check out more from these guests
Joseph White:@josephwhite2256
Dan Zehner: @anthemoftheadventurer
David Riffel: @mentoringwarriors
James Koenig: @freelancefridge
Brett Murray: @brettmurray73
Photography by @trents_film