Sometimes we stretch our reasoning a little bit to make the week’s topic fit into our genre as a podcast (because talking about whatever we want is a genre?). This week we bring you the subject of a poor gal named Mary who got a bad rap. How is this relevant? She was a carrier for Typhoid which, realistically, is in no way related to the Coronavirus. Also, our friend Mary was Irish. And it’s now March so we’re gonna call it relevant AF. Back in the day Mary liked to cook food for rich families but wasn’t super great at washing her hands. A Sanitation Engineer connected the dots and attempted to warn her of her wrongdoings, which she promptly elected to ignore. Ultimately, this beech lived the rest of her days in denial, and also in isolation. Have you heard about Ms. Mary of the Typhoid before? What did you think about our rationalization of this week’s episode? Email us at [email protected]! And last, but certainly not least, we announce the Smut Club book for March, also Irish themed: Getting Lucky by Sarah Spade. Read it and tell us what you think! We’ll be reviewing it on the last Wednesday in March.